Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Coffee Filter Butterflies

Liv loves to paint! So much that a lot of our projects involve paint of some sort :) This project was actually courtesy of my Grandma. I hate coffee but didn't realize the craft potential of a simple coffee filter (more crafts using those to come!). Here is what you need to create these little beauties:


Coffee Filters
Pipe Cleaners


1) Let your little Picasso have some fun painting the coffee filters using the watercolors (She obviously had some help on one of them).

2) Once the filters are completely dry pinch the middle together and secure it twisting a pipe cleaner around   the center. The excess pipe cleaner becomes the antennas of the butterfly.

I plan to add magnets to the back with a little super glue and hang them on the fridge. I will get around to that eventually :) Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. this is great! my daughter loves butterflies we will be doing this for sure!
