Friday, September 23, 2011

Colorful Macaroni Necklaces

This was a hit at my house and doubled as a birthday present for Liv's Grandma. I found the idea in a recent Disney Family Fun magazine and improvised just a little bit.


Food Coloring
Ziplock bag
Dried Macaroni
Paper Towels
Twist Tie


1) Mix 2 teaspoons of vinegar with about a dozen drops of food coloring in a ziplock bag. Pour about 1/2 cup of macaroni in each bag. Have your little one squish the bag coating the macaroni. Leave pasta in bag for 5-10 minutes so that the color is absorbed while continuing to squish every now and then.


2) Lay macaroni out to dry on paper towels. Flip them over after about 15 minutes to dry both sides completely.

3) Once the pasta is dry tie one piece of pasta to the end of the yarn to act as a stopper. String the remaining pasta onto the yarn. (Helpful Hint: Attach a twist tie to the end of the yarn so that little hands have something to grasp onto making stringing the necklace a little easier).

4) Tie the ends together and taddah! Beautiful jewelry!

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