Thursday, April 26, 2012

Birthday Interview

Today Alivia turned 3. We spent part of the afternoon at the Children's Museum (love that place) and then had pizza and cake for dinner tonight. I also got to scratch an item off of my to do list. A while back I came across the idea of interviewing your child on their birthday. So I compiled a list of questions, set up the video camera, and asked away. It was fun to hear her response to my questions. Honestly I have no idea where she comes up with half of the stuff she comes up with. Hopefully I can remember to do this for many years to come. If this sounds like something you would like to try with your tot here are some questions to get you started (and Alivia's responses just for fun).

1. What is today?     My Happy Birthday
2. How old are you?     This many(holds up 3 fingers)
3. What makes you happy?     Sundays and playing iwth daisylions (aka weeds)
4. What is your favorite flower?     Daisylions (aka weeds)
5. What do you like to do?     Play with toys and playdoh
6. What is your favorite food?     Pizza with sauce and black olives
7. What is your favorite animal?     Elephant, baby elephant
8. What is your favorite color?     Purple
9. What is your favorite show?     Dora, Jake and the Neverland Pirates
10. What is your favorite song?     Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
11. What is your favorite book?     Curious George - when he gets in trouble for feeding the animals
12. What is your favorite toy?     Watertable
13. What do you like to do with your mom?     Play
14. What do you like to do with your dad?    Play
15. Where is your favorite place to go?     Zoo
16. What do you want to be when you grow up?     Cinderella

Of course this is the short version of the interview. Some of her responses went on and on and on. What I love the most is that someday when she is grown up I will be able to watch this video and hear that sweet voice. Happy Birthday Baby Girl! Mommy loves you!

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