Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Butterfly Treats

Tomorrow Alivia turns 3! I think the day before the actual birthday may be just as busy as the day of. My evening was full of baking and crafting. Tomorrow Alivia will go to school (daycare) in the morning and no birthday is complete without taking treats for all of your friends! This craft was a lot of fun and really easy.

What You Need

Ziploc baggies
Snack (cereal, candy, or in our case "Puppy Chow")
Pipe Cleaner
Your Imagination


1) We started this project out by having Liv paint all of the clothespins while I got busy making the snack to go inside.

I am pretty sure she is painting her hand here!

2) Stuff each sandwich size Ziploc baggie with about 1 cup of the snack.

3) Twist the baggie in half making sure to evenly distribute the snack on each side.

4) Secure the center with a pipe cleaner that has been cut in half (this will become the butterfly antennas).

5) Place clothespin over pipe cleaner.

6) Finish decorating however you choose.

Don't they look so cute all together? I am sure Liv's classmates are going to love them!

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