Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Paper Plate Lion

I was looking at pictures on my camera the other day and realized that I had not shared this fun craft that we did over the summer. This lion was really fun to make and Liv got to try out a lot different skills to make him.

What You Will Need

Paper Plate
Yellow Paint
Construction Paper
Googly Eyes
Paint Brush
Black Marker


1. Paint the paper plate just like so....

2. While your toddler is painting draw horizontal lines onto pieces of construction paper. These lines will act as a guide for your toddler while they cut.  (I cut my sheets vertically before drawing the lines...I wanted the strips to be a little shorter).

3. Cut away!

4. Glue strips of paper onto the back of the paper plate.

5. Glue on Googly Eyes and draw on a mouth. We got creative and used a scrap piece of construction paper for the mouth.

Project complete! This lion decorated the front of our fridge for a few short days. Unfortunately little brother got ahold of him and tore him apart. See both kiddos had fun with this project :)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

25 Books of Christmas

I am a huge advocate for reading to your children. Each night we read at least two books before going to bed. So this summer I decided to start buying Christmas books here and there so that we could do our take on the "advent calendar" this holiday season. I was able to find several books for $3-$4 and splurged on a few of the classics. My hope is that by reading a book each night we will learn about the true meaning of Christmas and have a little fun along the way. I will admit that it will also be nice to get away from reading some of the same books every night :) Just for a little while.

I purchased a 30 qt Sterilite plastic tub from Target. I love how the books fit nicely packaged up and that they will be protected in storage after the holiday season.

I can't wait to see what book Liv picks out tonight (okay there may be more than 25 books in there...but it was hard to stop once I started). Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 5, 2012

I Love Color Wonder

Little brother has to stay busy while big sis and I do projects. What better way than using Crayola's Color Wonder products. As you can tell he was having a good time coloring his picture. And even better was that there was little cleanup for me afterwards :)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Babies Can Paint Too!

Bennett is 15 months and it is amazing how much he wants to be like big sister. I finally caved and let him in on the fun one night. He LOVED it! I used an old paint set of Liv's and dabbed some water in each color. We have even progressed to him using a little cup of water himself (although more splashing happens than actual painting!)