Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Easter

Dying Easter Eggs can be so much fun! It was a family affair with my Grandma supplying the eggs and my two sisters coming over to help. I was stuck in the office while this was all going on but I was very impressed when I came home to discover almost 6 dozen eggs had been dyed! We kept a few at home and the rest are being left for the Easter Bunny to hide at Grandma's house. Both kiddos had so much fun and Bennett had some green fingers to prove it! 

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

French Knitting

I love to crochet although I am not great at it. Of course Alivia has started to take an interest in what I am doing and wants to help. She is obviously to young to teach how to crochet but I do remember spending endless hours of my childhood french knitting and making *gasp* scrunchees....and scarves for my dolls. So one Saturday morning I took one cardboard toliet paper roll, 4 popsicle sticks, and one roll of painters tape to fashion a knitting loom. I then found some leftover pink yarn and taught Liv the art of French Knitting. She didn't last long but was super proud of the results. I suggest googling French Knitting if you would like to give this a try.

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Glue, Yarn, and Easter Eggs

This was one of those projects that if I was to do again I would do a little bit differently. Unfortunately I was in a hurry and instead of taking the time to make a glue that would actually dry clear I went the easy route and used flour and water to make a paste. Don't get me wrong it still worked but did not dry with the effect I was looking for. So next time I will plan a little farther ahead.

What You Need

Yarn cut into long strips (2 to 3 feet)
Glue (I would suggest using 1 c. liquid starch mixed with 1 c. flour)
Small Balloons (we used water balloons)


1. Blow several of the balloons up to the desired shape and size. We used water balloons. They take a lot of wind power but work out perfectly.

2. Make your glue. Again I recommend using 1 c. liquid starch mixed with 1 c. flour because it will dry clear (the paste I used is not very pretty).

3. Dip each strip of yarn into the homemade glue and wrap around the balloon until you have the desired coverage.

4. Let dry.

5. Pop the balloon and peel out of the "eggshell".

6. Decorate!
I was really hoping Alivia would get into making these. However, once she saw how messy I was getting with the glue she was gone. She did come back and help me pop all of the balloons with a small sewing needle. She thought that was one of the coolest things is the small things right?

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Thinking Out Loud

Liv asked if she could tell me a secret today. I said yes and leaned down only for her to say "psssssss" in my ear and giggle as she walked away. I wonder where she gets this stuff!
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Friday, March 22, 2013

Saying Goodbye to Winter! Melting Snowmen Sugar Cookies!

I think Alivia is going to become a Pinterest junkie just like me. Last Sunday morning we were sitting on the couch. Liv was watching cartoons and I was browsing Pinterest. Suddenly she tells me to stop and go back. I listen and scroll back up the page to find a picture of some adorable snowman cookies way past their prime. Since our entire house is ready for warmer days I thought these cookies were perfect for a little project in the afternoon and they were really easy.

What You Need

Sugar cookies (Any odd round shape will do)
White Frosting
Large Marshmallows
Pretzel Sticks

 We were low on supplies and I was not up for making a special trip to the store so we improvised and used what we had. You can definitely get much more creative with these. May-be use a piece of licorice for a scarf? Dab a little orange on for a carrot nose? The possibilites are endless. Of course we think they turned out perfect...and tasted great!

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Kiwi Crate

I have been wanting to try Kiwi Crate for quite some time. Their projects look like so much fun and perfect for a rainy day. So I just put in my first order and I am waiting anxiously for its arrival. Has anyone else given this a try? I will post about how it goes once it arrives!

Delightful kids' crafts delivered right to your door.  <Visit Kiwi Crate!>