Friday, July 26, 2013

Alivia and I's Favorite List of Kid Jokes

Alivia loves a good joke. She is always asking for me to tell her one and then she will tell me one in return (most of them make absolutely no sense but I laugh anyways!).

This post is a list of the jokes that we tell on a continuous basis. Please leave a comment if you have any jokes to share. I am in need of some new ones!

Knock Knock.
Who Is There?
Boo Who?
Don't cry it was only a joke!

Why is the number 6 afraid of the number 7?
Because 7-8-9.

Where do cows go on a Friday night?
To the moo-vies.

What does a frog robot say?
Rib-bot Rib-bot (using your robot voice).

How do you make a tissue dance?
You put a boogie in it. (kids love this one)

Knock Knock.
Who is There?
Banana Who?
Knock Knock.
Who is There?
Banana Who?
Knock Knock.
Who is There?
Orange Who?
Orange you glad I didn't say Banana again?

What is black and white, black and white, black and white?
A penguin rolling down a hill.

What kind of music do rabbits listen to?

There is roadkill in the middle of the road I "1" it.
I "2" it.
I "3" it.
I "4" it.
I "5" it.
I "6" it.
I "7" it.
I "8" it. (laughs usually follow)(Or if you are wise the response would be I jumped over it and you "8" it).

What is every dog's favorite holiday?

What is a potatoes least favorite day?

Knock Knock.
Who is there?
Mae Who?
Mae-be you know me Mae-be you don't!

What do you call a cow that plays a violin?
A moosician.

Who did the Rabbit send his valentine too?
Somebunny Special!

Knock Knock.
Who is there?
Ahch Who?
Bless you!

What is an aliens favorite key on a keyboard?
A spacebar.

 photo FightAgainstBoredomSignature2_zpsc09e8e8d.png

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