Monday, July 22, 2013

Family Vacation Fun

We just returned from our first family vacation and it was wonderful!

We are lucky enough to live close to an awesome state park (about 100 miles away) that is very accommodating to young families.  This state park offers cabins in a wide range of sizes. Our cabin had two separate bedrooms and a kitchen (which came in handy since a 4 and 2 year old can take the fun out of dining out).

On our vacation we hiked....

...climbed a lot of stairs to take advantage of this view...

...visited a museum...

...played in a huge jungle gym (at least 3 stories)...

...rode a pony in Liv's case and looked at a pony in Bennett's...

...enjoyed this awesome waterpark...

...went on a scavenger hunt (thanks Kiwi Crate)...

...paddled a boat...

...painted pottery...

...played miniature golf...

...and caught a fish!

We had so much fun! I used to think you had to board an airplane to have a great vacation. However, I have definitely changed my ways. There is so much to do in under a days drive and I cannot wait until next year for another adventure! Happy and safe travels to all of those heading out on their very own vacation!

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