Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Bendy Dolls

Let me introduce you to Bendy and Meeko (Liv's name choices...not mine). These dolls were unbelievably easy to make and even though the clothing has now been completely torn off (clothes on dolls are a no-no in this house apparently) the doll itself is very sturdy. We had a lot of fun with these and Liv is sleeping with her doll right now as we speak!


Wood Beads
Scrap Yarn

1. You will first start out with 3 pipe cleaners and 5 wooden beads. The package of beads we purchased had 3 different sizes which worked great (beads were purchased from Wal-Mart for $5 and will be used again I am sure).

2. Glue the wooden bead to the top of a pipe cleaner. This is your dolls head. You will then wrap the other two pipe cleaners around the main pipe cleaner as pictured below.

3. Trim the pipe cleaners down to the appropriate sizes and cap the ends with glue and wooden beads.

4. Glue on pieces of yarn cut really short for the hair.

6. Using felt out cut out clothing for your doll. The dress was simply two triangles glued together once on the doll. The boy was a little more intensive but turned out okay. You will also want to paint or draw on a face.

7. Decorate the clothing using stickers, paint, jewels, and whatever else you can get your hands on!

Liv put on a heck of a show with these dolls once they were done and I think this may be her favorite craft to date!

 photo FightAgainstBoredomSignature2_zpsc09e8e8d.png

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