Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Egg Carton Caterpillars

 A friend of mine brought her little girl over one afternoon and as a last minute craft to keep both girls busy I emptied the egg carton in my fridge (breakfast for lunch anyone?) and raided my craft closet. Here is how you can make one of your own:


Egg Carton
Pipe Cleaners
Googly Eyes


1) Cut the egg carton into the desired shape of your caterpillar
2) Have your toddler paint/color the egg carton
3) Once dry have an adult poke holes so that the antenna can be inserted (I used a utility knife)
4) Once Antennae has been inserted I wrapped each side around a pencil to make them curly
5) Help your toddler glue on the googly eyes (as you can see Liv got a little more than carried away!)

We have proudly displayed our caterpillar on the top of our fridge.

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